Thursday, October 22, 2009

my day

i really hate this time of year . i have to stay in when its ugly out side i can't work, make money. I feel like i'm a total losser I'm a very thoughtful person why do people always make me feel like crap.You know when you feel like your never going to be good enough for that one person and i can't really tell you why it matters so much but it does but i've come to understand i'm never going to do it. be good enough for them.
ya know we've always tryed to do what we should and not take the easy way out but maybe we should seems like everyone just gets what they want and worry how to pay for it later and when they can't they just file for bankrusy mybe we should so we can start over to . no we made this mess and we'll clean it up even if it takes me till the day i die. which i hope it doesn't

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